The enterprise provides social benefits and legal guarantees, ensuring realization of employee’s important social-economical rights including the right to a decent standard of living.
Human resource policies

Conditions of work meet the requirements of labor protection, safety and health standards. Piece-rate/premium payment of labor from 5000 to 8000 Transnistrian RUB. Additionally, enterprise pays for the travel expenses, warm meal and medical care.

Education includes scholarship and compulsory job placement.


    • Stream stresses
    • Mechatronic engineer
    • Mechanic of control and measuring devices and apparatus

    Contact us


Diagnostic and advisory centre

Highly qualified doctors of the following specialist field have practice:

  • Ttherapist
  • Neurologist
  • Gynecologist
  • Otolaryngologist


  • Antibiotic tolerance tests
  • Clinical biochemical research
  • ECG with decryption
  • Colposcopy

Working hours:
8:30 – 13:30
Register office: +373 (533) 7-40-85

Contact us